
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese on a Hard Roll

According to Wikipedia, pork roll is a type of sausage-like meat product commonly available in and around New Jersey and Philadelphia. In North Jersey, where I'm from, it is usually called Taylor Ham. The product, as it is made today, was developed in 1856 by John Taylor of  Trenton, NJ, though several firms produce their own versions. A popular breakfast sandwich in the region made with pork roll is known as the Jersey Breakfast, a "Pork Roll, Egg, and Cheese", or a "Taylor Ham, Egg, and Cheese." A Jersey Breakfast always contains pork roll, typically served with american cheese on a hard roll. It is a staple of many delis, diners, bakeries, and breakfast spots in NJ. In Philadelphia, the hard roll is commonly replaced with the local "long roll" used for hoagies and cheesesteaksIf you're not from the New Jersey or the Philly area, you can also buy some online and have it shipped directly to you from Jersey Pork Roll...isn't the internet a wonderful thing? 

So why all of this talk about Taylor Ham? (my preferred nomenclature). I was out with my youngest daughter the other day and she wasn't hungry for breakfast before we had to leave the house to take my older daughter to work. As we're driving down the highway, I asked her if she wanted to stop for a bagel since we haven't had those in a while. But she didn't want that. She specifically wanted, and I quote "a Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese from the convenience store located at the Lukoil gas station across from the Target..they make the best Mom!" Since I've never even filled my tank there, let alone got a sandwich there, I asked her how she knew about it. Apparently, it's a favorite weekend spot my husband takes her to when he's in the mood for one as well. So, we pull in. Park. Get out in the pouring rain. Go inside and there we find several iterations of the Taylor Ham sandwiches. One with just cheese. One with just egg. Then we see the one she wants..Taylor Ham with Egg and Cheese. I've never seen a 9-year old smile so big when she grabbed the last one and brought it to the counter to pay. As we got back into the car, she opened it up, took a bite and when I asked her how it was she replied "This is the best giant circle of goodness I've ever had!". Always a comedian my daughter.  

Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese on a Hard Roll
1 Hard Roll
2 Eggs, fried
2 Slices American Cheese
2 Slices Taylor Ham

On a flat grill pan, heat Taylor Ham over medium heat until lightly browned on both sides. Remove from pan and keep on the side. Fry the eggs, breaking the yolk. Add cheese to the top of the eggs so that it melts. Place the eggs on the roll and top with cooked Taylor Ham. 


  1. Such a simple idea and you really nailed the style photo...

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  2. Beautiful photos... just love the whole look!

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