
Monday, December 19, 2011

Liebster Blog Award II

I was reading some of my comments on one of my blog posts today and noticed that I had received a Liebster Blog Award (my second one) from Little Mommy, Big Appetite. I'm so grateful and thank her from the bottom of my heart. She has a wonderful blog and makes real food with fresh ingredients that everyone will love. And, she even makes some of her own baby food and since I did the same thing, she's ok in my book. ;) 

In case you are not aware, this award spotlights the up and coming blogs that have less than 200 followers. 

By accepting this award, I get to:

1. Copy and paste the award on my blog.

2. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to me. 

3. Reveal my top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

4. Hope that followers will spread the love to other bloggers.

It was so hard to chose just 5 so I picked some of the newer blogs I follow that also don't have more than 1000 Facebook followers. Here are some of my favorites: 

Amee's Savory Dish

Family Fresh Meals

Greg's Kitchen
Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe
The Culinary Lens


  1. Wow thank you.. Know I have some thinking to do LOL

  2. This is wonderful! Thank you so much Carrie. I will get to work on posting and passing it on :)


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