
Friday, January 13, 2012

Seafood Frenzy Friday: Week 1

Welcome to Week 1 of Seafood Frenzy Friday! I've decided that just because I don't like seafood, it doesn't mean that all of you don't. Every week I come across numerous seafood recipes that I can't even comment on because I don't eat it...any of it! Over the years, I've tried them all. Shellfish. Salmon. Mahi Mahi. Cod. You get the picture. It's a texture and smell thing, sorry. But then I thought, what if I shared some of these amazing recipes with all of you each week. This way, YOU get some new seafood recipes (which you won't find many here at CEK) AND you also get to meet some fabulous foodie bloggers as well. 

Every Friday I will:
1. Randomly select 5 recipes to showcase (I'm going to start alphabetically on the blogs I follow until I get caught up)
2. Include the link to the recipe with a picture
3. Give a brief Bio about the blogger (which will be taken directly from their blog page)

If your recipe has been selected, I will notify you so that you can come back to grab the 
"I was featured on Seafood Frenzy Friday" button. 

Carrieā€™s Experimental Kitchen

A Bachelor & His Grill

For the last decade, from 9-5, I've juggled numerous personal commitments & a 
hectic professional schedule as an executive in the banking/finance industry. But, beyond the suit & tie, I am single (hence... "the bachelor" moniker) living in a big city. I've 
always had a passion for the arts, but this passion has developed into a of love for creating / sharing amazing food, entertaining family / friends / guests, taking on new experiences, traveling the world, and meeting interesting people w/ their own passions & story to tell. This life has been such a blessing, but at this juncture... I'm not sure what the end result looks like, I can only assure you that I will pursue this passion tirelessly and enjoy the ride along the way.

A Healthy Jalepeno

me..... i haVe nO spEciAl tAlEnts, i am jUst paSsiOnatEly cUriOus. 
kind of a free spirit. i would rather spend my fridays with close friends, a few beers 
and a good movie. i live for movies nights and football Sundays. my family and friends come first. my friends are my family. love my girls♥. i have always believed that there 
is no beginning or end to is all about the journey. i laugh at dumb jokes. 
i live in tee's & sweats. nothing beats a hot summer day and a grape popsicle. i don't 
have a favorite color. my hair will nEvEr be perfect. i get obsessed with and know all movies quotes... sad i know. barefoot is the way to go.

Ally's Kitchen

After a 30+ year career as a school psychologist and when I finished raising my boys and getting them off my payroll, I decided it was time for me to pursue something that I was really passionate about–and that’s cooking and wringing every iota of life out of life.  
Since I’m now 40 years old with 22 years of additional life experience, I am ready to 
share with others, hopefully inspire others, and give something of me to you through 
my food and how I, Ally, see this third chapter of life.  I’ve never been in my sixties, but 
I must say it’s pretty darn awesome!

Amee's Savory Dish

I am a stay-at-home Mom who loves to cook, eat and share recipes. I am a southern girl, born and raised in South Carolina. I currently live in the Atlanta, GA area with my husband and two children. I am a foodie, devoted Mom and wife and a fitness buff. I love to find new ways to make my favorite family recipes healthier. I hope that sharing the healthier lifestyle that I embrace, will impact your life as amazingly as it has mine. Cleaning up your eating habits will give you tons of energy, a trimmer waistline and a healthier body. I spend a lot of time researching the latest and greatest health trends, cooking tips and recipes. Most of my dishes are healthy and lightened-up. However, there is room for the occasional splurge for holidays, special occasions and fun treats for kids. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing it! Great things are meant to be shared. Happy eating!!

Baking Bad

My husband and I reside in Indianapolis with our two little dogs, Killian and Jameson.  
I am lucky enough to have a husband who allows me to indulge in all of my culinary adventures whether they end up good or bad.  There are times when I am so excited to 
try something new and I know he just wishes it was pizza, but he indulges me anyways.  
We have found several of our favorite dishes just by trial and error of dishes or cuisines 
we never even thought we would like.  I grew up with two grandmothers that made amazing food all of the time and I strive to someday be half as good as them.  We love 
to travel to different restaurants by well known chefs, from television shows, and 
especially delicious places where the locals eat.

Well how did you like the first 5...Pretty talented aren't they?! 
Come back next week to see some more great recipes on Seafood Frenzy Friday!


  1. Totally talented folks you picked! They are making me drool all over my keyboard ...

  2. This is such a great idea, Carrie! I love seafood and all of this week's features look fantastic!!

  3. Carrie!! Wow, thank you for featuring me alongside these great dishes from talented home chefs! I'm honored :) What a great idea and from someone who doesn't do seafood...kudos!! xoxo Ally

  4. Thank you Ann, Lisa and Ally. I'm so glad you like it! And you're right Ann, there are SO many talented people in this little foodie world. :)


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