
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kreativ Blogger & The Sunshine Award Recipient

I've recently been the recipient of two new awards. These awards mean the WORLD to me as they come from other bloggers. We're a pretty close nit bunch and it takes a special person to share their life with hundreds (and in some cases, thousands) of people each day. I truly treasure the friendships I've made with each and every one of my readers and other bloggers, both online and off. 

This first award came from my dear friend Jenn over at My Daily Jenn-ism. Now, for those of you who don't know me personally, Jenn is one of my honest to goodness real life friends and I've known her for about 5 years now (since our daughters first met in Kindergarten). Not only does she have a great blog, she is one of the most caring, thoughtful people I know and I love her to pieces! If you haven't read her Daily Jenn-ism, head on over, she's also on Facebook and Twitter!  

As with all Blogging peer awards, there are rules attached. Here are the rules for The Kreativ Blogger Award and I apologize if some of the answers are repeats from awards I've accepted previously (when you have a favorite, it's your favorite and generally doesn't change): 

1.  Thank and link back to the awarding blog
2.  Answer seven questions
3.  Provide 10 random factoids about yourself
4.  Hand the award on to 7 deserving others


#1. What is your favorite song? Landslide by Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks)

#2. What's your favorite desert? Depends on my mood, but will generally go for a piece of Chocolate Mousse Cake

#3. What do you do when you are upset? Usually hold it in and get very distant with those around me. I like to be alone to sort out my feelings until I'm ready to discuss them. 

#4. Which is your favorite pet? My entire life I've never been much of a pet person, probably because growing up we lived in an apartment and weren't allowed to have any pets. Now, we own 2 dogs, ages 9 and 7 months, and I can't imagine them not around. Especially the little one. He totally stole my heart with those big brown eyes and underbite :)

#5. Which do you prefer, White or Whole Wheat? I generally don't like sandwiches so I only buy bread the kids will eat. If I'm going to eat bread, it will be a crunchy Ciabatta or Italian bread or I'm partial to Thomas' English Muffins Honey Wheat with extra fiber. 

#6. What is your your biggest fear? That something bad will happen to my children. I'd be a WRECK to say the least! 

#7. What is your attitude mostly? For the most part, I'm generally in a good, giddy mood. I love to laugh and have fun and hate conflict or drama. 

And now 10 Random Facts About Me: 

1. I hate shopping for clothes. I know, I must be the only woman alive on the planet. It completely stresses me out so I'm only good for about 2 hours; especially if it's at a mall...hate those! 

2. I despise peas...end of story! I had to eat one once when my oldest daughter was a baby and she shoved one in my mouth. I thought I was going to lose it. 

3. I made both of my children's food when they were babies. The only thing they ate out of a jar were some fruits and vegetables that didn't puree well (texture) and I wanted to make sure they got to taste every variety. 

4. As much as I love to be a planner and be organized, there's something to be said about being spontaneous. 

5. I moved around a lot as a child and went to 9 different schools from Kindergarten-12th Grade; however, besides our short stint in Southern CA, I've always lived in Northern NJ. 

(Ok, I've done these types of questions several times before and I'm really drawing a blank! So I'm stopping at 5 and you can type in AWARDS in the search box at the top right of the blog to see more if you'd like...or better yet...leave me a question in the comment section and I'll answer it! Sorry...I have too many projects going on at the moment. xo) 

Talk about Kreativ, these bloggers aren't about food but I LOVE all of them just the same. These are the pages I turn to when I want a good dose of real life:

2. Fabulous 40's (on Facebook only)
5. Blog of a Peri Menopausal Woman...When I Remember (She's more active on Facebook)
6. Midlife Crisis Awakening (on Facebook only)

And now for the next award! 

This award is a new one for me and I'm truly honored, especially since it came from one of my dear foodie friends, Krista from Everyday Mom's Meals. She has got to one of the sweetest women on the planet and is so down to earth and refreshing. I look forward to reading her blog and Facebook posts each day and I'm happy to report, she'll also be a Guest Blogger here at CEK in a few weeks so be on the lookout! 

The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: "Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogoshere." 

The rules: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer 10 questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! Don't forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!

1. Favorite color: Black
2. Favorite animal: In the living, dogs; however, I collect elephant statues (something my Grandfather collected before he passed away and I continued his collection)
3. Favorite number: 3
4. Favorite drink: Non Alcoholic: Water Alcohol: Red wine (there's a shocker!)
5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. Facebook, though I'm growing increasingly agitated with all of the new changes they've made to Pages, so I'm trying to use Twitter and Pinterest more. 
6. Good Book or a Good Movie: Book
7. My Passion: Definitely my family
8. Giving or getting presents: I personally would rather give presents than receive them. I didn't grow up with a lot, so now that I'm in a place in my life where I can afford to give back, I do so wherever possible. 
9. Favorite day of the year:  Thanksgiving
10. Favorite flowers: I love the smell of lilacs but there's nothing like fresh, colorful Gerber Daisies on my kitchen table

And now, to pass this along to 10 other bloggers. This was a hard one, so I'm giving it to those that are helping me out next month by being Guest Bloggers while I'm on vacation (minus the ones that Krista already gave it to =] )


  1. Congratulations on the Kreative and Sunshine Awards!! I love your blog and I always learn so much from you!! I would have fallen in love with that sweet doggie face too! Nettie

    1. Thank you so much Nettie! I really wish I could have picked 100 other blogs xo

  2. Aww...what an honor! You are such a bright spot and brighten so many days!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. are SO kind! I love the tidbits about you :) We have a lot in common!!
    Now be patient with me, it may be a bit before I pass this on ;)
    Have a great week and thank you for thinking of me!!!

    1. No rush, I almost didn't post it now myself because I'm swamped as well. Just wanted it off my to do list! lol Same to you Heather!

  4. Congratulations on your awards, Carrie! I enjoy the energy in your writing along with the personal notes and recipes. Thank you for sharing your talents with us, they are motivating and inspirational. Glad I found you on Facebook!

    1. Thank you so much Melinda and I enjoy yours as well! It's so nice to hear every once in while that what we do here each day has some sort of impact, especially since I enjoy it so much. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  5. Congrats Carrie, you are so deserving of both of these wonderful awards! I really loved reading through your answers. Thank you so much for honoring me as well!


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