
Friday, January 4, 2013

Seafood Frenzy Friday (Week 43)

Welcome back to the return of Seafood Frenzy Friday, where I share seafood recipes I find from some of my foodie friends with you since I don't eat seafood myself. I took a break from this feature in December, but I think I've found some unique seafood dishes for you this week to make up for it!  

Before we begin, could you please take a moment to answer a brief, one question survey about what you would like to see more of from CEK this coming year. Just click survey, and you will be taken there directly. If there is something else that you'd like to see and it's not listed, select "other" and let me know. I appreciate your input! 

I also wanted to let you know that the January 2013 Newsletter has been released. If you did not receive a copy that means you have not signed up to receive one. The newsletter contains other information not necessarily shared on this blog, helpful tips (this month I show you how to clean and prepare mussels!), food related articles and/or news (ex. the top food trends for 2013) and upcoming events. 

Here is how you can get your copy each month: 

Step 1. Log onto the blog 
Step 2. Enter your email address in the box under "Sign up for our Email Newsletter on the right hand side of the page

That's it! It's ok. If you don't like it, you can unsubscribe at any time. While you're there, subscribe to get an email update when new posts go live on the site as well. I know I have a hard time keeping up with all of my favorites and it's so much easier to see when I get an email letting me know that there is a new post. :)

And now for this weeks' Seafood Recipes....Click on the name of the recipe to be taken to the author's original post. 

Un Dejeuner de Soleil

Lemons and Anchovies

Mia's Domain


Katie's Cucina

Smoked n' Grilled

Unorthodox Epicure

Frugal Feeding

Laurie Bakke's Kitchen

A Food Centric Life

I hope you enjoyed the selections this week, and THANK YOU to this weeks' bloggers 
for allowing me to share their creations. Have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. We love seafood, and we love Carrie's Experimental Kitchen; which is why we have received the January newsletter. Congrats, btw, on all of your accomplishments in 2012! We wish you the same and more success in 2013!

  2. Thanks for sharing my halibut recipe!


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