
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chourico & Spinach White Bean Stew

I have mentioned before that my father in-law is Portuguese and until I met and married my husband over 20 years ago, I never even heard of chourico, let alone cooked with it. So when I saw a similar recipe in Bon Appetit Magazine a couple of months ago, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Of course I changed it around a little bit to suit our liking, but this dish was fantastic! 

The only suggestion I would make would be to watch what type of chourico you purchase because they are different and depending on the brand or type you purchase, the meat could either be more smokey tasting and the consistency of the sausage might not be as firm as others. Our family prefers the Portuguese chourico, but when not available locally, I usually purchase the long, thin Spanish variety.  

Here are three different types: 
  1. Portuguese chourico is made with pork, fat, wine, paprika and salt. It is then stuffed into natural or artificial casings and slowly dried over smoke.They are available in sweet and hot varieties. 
  2. Spanish chorizo is made from coarsely chopped pork and pork fat and is seasoned with smoked paprika and salt. You can purchase it spicy or sweet depending on the type of smoked paprika used. Chorizo comes in short, long, hard and soft varieties. In general, long, thin chorizos are sweet, and short chorizos are spicy.
  3. The Mexican versions of chorizo are made from fatty pork and the meat is usually ground rather than chopped, and different seasonings are used.
My husband really liked this dish and can't wait for me to make it again. However, my father in-law and I thought the particular brand of sausage I used was a little too smokey, though the dish as a whole was good so I'll have to make it again with a different brand. He's going in for heart valve replacement surgery next month so I'll have to make him a batch of this to enjoy when he's on the mend. 

 Chourico & Spinach White Bean Stew
Adapted from Bon Appetit
6 oz. Chorizo
2 Garlic Cloves, chopped
1/4 c. Red Onion, chopped
1 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 c. Fresh Spinach, stems removed, rinsed and packed
19oz. Cannellini Beans, rinsed and drained
1 1/2 c. Low-Sodium/Fat Free Chicken Broth
1/4 c. Pecorino Romano Cheese, grated
Kosher Salt, to taste
Fresh Ground Black Pepper, to taste

1. Peel skin from chorizo, then chop into bite sized pieces. 
2. Heat the oil in a Dutch oven (or large pot) over medium heat; then add the chorizo, garlic and onions. Cook for approximately 5-6 minutes. 
3. Next, add in the spinach and stir until it has wilted; then add in the beans. Smash half of the beans with the back of a wooden spoon as this will help thicken the stew; then add the chicken broth and cheese. 
4. Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes; then season with salt and pepper. Makes 3 cups. 

*Nutritional Information per Cup: Calories 318, Carbs 29.8g, Fat 15.8g, Protein 22.3g, Fiber 10.9g, Sugar 1.3g
*Calculations based on ingredients entered into Calorie Count and may not be 100% accurate.


Shared at Thursday's Treasures 4/11/13


  1. Carrie,
    This looks gorgeous--and I bet I could swap some kale for spinach if need be, because both greens pair so nicely with beans and sausage.

    Unrelated to chourico, but Portuguese, have you ever had a malasada? I'm so craving one right now.


    1. I'm sure you could swap it out and no I never heard of malasada. I just looked it up though and it looks like an Italian zeppole. :)

  2. Wishing your FIL good luck with his surgery. My hubby had his repaired last month. Luckily they did it robotically so the recovery wasn't too bad. Your stew sounds delicious. It has all the flavors we love. Thanks for sharing on Thursdays Treasures.

    1. Thank you Christie and I'm glad his surgery went well!


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