
Monday, October 21, 2013

Favorite Pinterest Halloween Finds

If you've been following my blog for a few seasons, then you know that though I enjoy Halloween and Trick or Treating with the kids, I don't necessarily get into this holiday with food and decorations. So over the last month or so, I and some of my food blogging friends have been "Pinning" away on my Halloween Pinterest Board to find some fun things to share with all of you. 

Here are some of my favorites for those of you without a Pinterest account:
Happy Pumpkins (made with fruit) from Kiddie Foodies

Jack O' Burgers

Candy Corn Popsicles from Full Belly Sisters

Mummy Meatloaf from The Knead 4 Speed

Frankenstein Rice Krispie Treats

BandAid Strips from Katherine Marie's

Skeleton Crudite & Dip

Homemade Caramel Apples from Knead to Cook

Banana Ghosts and Clementine Pumpkins

For a complete list of all of my fun finds, check out my Halloween Pinterest Board!   

Did you know that Americans purchased 600 million pounds of candy last year for Halloween? According to an article in the Huffington Post, here are the Top 12 candy sellers. Which one is your favorite?  
1. Reeses
2. Starburst
3. 3 Musketeers
4. Nerds
5. Kit Kat
6. Bottle Caps
7. Twix 
8. Pop Rocks
9. Nestles Crunch
10. Skittles
11. Snickers
12. Butterfingers

If you find yourself with an excess of Halloween candy, check out Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude annually sends 100,000+ care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions, to their children left behind and to Veterans, First Responders, Wounded Warriors and their Care Givers. Each year, they work with dentist offices around the country to collect unwanted, extra candy and ship them to our service men and women. Visit for participating dentists in your area!


  1. Carrie,
    Those treats look perfect for Halloween. Thanks for the info on Operation Gratitude, it sounds like a terrific idea. I'm delighted to say that my spouse should be able to eat his leftover Halloween candy at home because he's due back next month! (little happy dance here)

    1. Now THAT is something to celebrate! Wishing him a safe return Kirsten.


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