
Friday, March 15, 2013

Seafood Frenzy Friday (Week 52)

Welcome to Week 52 of Seafood Frenzy, I can't believe it's been a year since I started these posts! Since I started this weekly seafood round-up, I have shared 520 new seafood recipes from so many wonderful bloggers and have had over 15,000 views..that's amazing! And each week there are so many to choose from, but the most popular to date was Week 15. If you've missed any along the way, you can check out all of the Seafood Frenzy Friday posts to get more inspiration!  

If you're a new reader, Welcome! In these posts, I share the name of the blog, an image of the recipe and a link to the author's original post. I also write a comment on each person's blog with a link back to this post letting them know that I shared their recipe, as that is also the right thing to do. Plus, it's just nice to hear when someone appreciates your work and is willing to share it with others. I will also share these posts on FacebookTwitterGoogle+ and Pinterest

I hope you enjoyed this past weeks' recipe selections including BruschettaIrish Bunco Theme Menu, and yesterday's recipe from Chocolate, Chocolate and More with her recipe for Chocolate Chip Cranberry Oat Muffins; as well as the article on Teens and Sports...Are they getting the right nutrition? Comment below or let me know if there was a recent recipe you tried at home, I'd love to hear from you! 

This Country Girl Cooks

Mia's Domain
Crepe recipe from  Lauren Kelly Nutrition

Framed Cooks

Reluctant Entertainer

Necessary Indulgences

Farm Girl Gourmet

Ali Eats Clean

Eat. Drink.Love

Chew Town

I hope you enjoyed this weeks selections and THANK YOU to all of today's bloggers for 
allowing me to share their delicious looking recipes. Have a great weekend! 


  1. Love the innovative recipes this week. I have pinned quite a few of them. Lots of inspiration here.

  2. Wow ~ I can't wait to try some of these! Thank you so much, Carrie!

    1. Glad you like the selections this week Kristi!

  3. We eat a ton of seafood in my house. I can't wait to try one of these. I just found your blog through TheFoodBlogNetwork but can't wait to read more

    1. I'm glad you found me Kathy! Welcome and thanks for stopping by.

  4. Carrie,
    What amazing recipes you've got this week. I look forward to checking them out!

  5. TWO more Fridays left in these recipes come at the perfect time!!! I'd love to try the shrimp crepes or the talapia tacos..big time yummy!


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